

  I think that if i have to make a change in my study programme that will be more teaching of "how to teach" to the students that want to go down for the path of the scientific divulgation and teaching of this. A lot more of labs instances and practice of creating chemicals compounds that have a real utility and not a mix of some things that ended on the trash can. the returning of the summer semesters to the 2nd and 3rd years students to reduce the academic charge. The students also need a lot more of clarity of the courses they are taking, because many times happen that the students dont know if the course is semestral or annual, and what is the porpouse of this in the future. More opportunities of vocational programms, because personally i fell that i dont know what i am going to do when i finish my career, don´t get me wrong, i love my career but i dont know what are the areas that i can dedicate myself, or when the people ask me: "What does a biochemist do?" I

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A travel to the past

Is an interesting question, mostly because I can do so many things, I think that between the past or the future, I would choose the past, I would go to a lot of historical events (principally of Chile) to change them for the greater good in my point of view, In the first place I would go to a lot of dates in the united states I will prevent a lot of things, the creation of the “Monroe doctrine”, the creation of the WHINSEC (school of the Americas), the born of Richard Nixon and the start of the cold war. I don’t know how will the future will be after changing all of that but if everything still the same, I will return to Chile and I would go to 1973 and I will try of every way possible to avoid the overthrow of the government of the President Salvador Allende through a coup. This thing will mean that the project “cybersyn” would prevail. The “cybersyn” project is a cybernetic system of transfer of the information in real time, something like the internet, i believe that if this projec

My dream work

 I think that my dream job will be not work at all. Nah, its a joke, but i think that i dont have a dream work, and if i have it i think that it will be something relacionated with the chemistry and the teaching of this, but not necessarily a teacher, something like a scientist comunicator or reporter, i would love that the people get inspired by me of studying a scientific career, but being a scientist means that science will be an essencial part of your lifefo years to come. I think that the scientific world offers a large number of careers that i will consider as my dream work, because im not an exigent person, i just want a work in which i can test my scientific knowledge and abilityes, a good quantity of working hours, a good salary, and a good working environment. The rest doesnt really matters to me. A job that offered me the possibility of being recorded on the history books, i think that it will be perfect for me, because im a dreamer too, i think that i have the hability to i

my first and best concert

  the first "real concert" paying ticket and making line for hours was one of the three lasts performance of "daddy yankee", also known as the GOAT, at nacional stadium in Santiago of Chile. I remember that it was a Tuesday, that day in the morning I had a class of organic chemistry lab and i had agreed to meet with my friend "rocio" at 12 o' clock and she was so late that i had to wait for her for about 2 hours and i got really mad, when she finally arrived all my anger got away because she brought me food. She told that one of her friends had been on the line since 10 am, we stayed with his friend and entered the concert first, we had to run really fast to get good seats, at this point it was like 5 pm. We had to wait for 3 hours until the opening act of the Chilean artist "Polima Westcoast", he sang about 6 songs, and finally the main event arrived, the performance of "daddy yankee" was so great, he sang his best hits such as: &q

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Latinos but not gringos, this is how i would define puerto ricans, i would love to go to this place, because i feel that the peolple who live there have so much to tell to another latin american brother, how they are opressed and ignored by the country they belong to,  I would love to hear from the oldest members of the community and have them explain to me how the situation has changed as the generations have been renewed, and what do they want right now? I know that on the island there are influences from all over the world, African, Spanish, Taino, etc. that are manifested in its gastronomy, music, art and festivities and i think that as in any Latin American country, Puerto Rico is a place full of joy and freedom. I would love to be able to walk through its narrow cobblestone streets while I observe its picturesque balconies and walls full of stories to tell. I would love to be able to live here without worries, since it seems like a magical and relaxing place