A travel to the past

Is an interesting question, mostly because I can do so many things, I think that between the past or the future, I would choose the past, I would go to a lot of historical events (principally of Chile) to change them for the greater good in my point of view, In the first place I would go to a lot of dates in the united states I will prevent a lot of things, the creation of the “Monroe doctrine”, the creation of the
WHINSEC (school of the Americas), the born of Richard Nixon and the start of the cold war. I don’t know how will the future will be after changing all of that but if everything still the same, I will return to Chile and I would go to 1973 and I will try of every way possible to avoid the overthrow of the government of the President Salvador Allende through a coup. This thing will mean that the project “cybersyn” would prevail. The “cybersyn” project is a cybernetic system of transfer of the information in real time, something like the internet, i believe that if this project wouldn´t have been discarded the country would have become a potency.

And my last trip would be in the year 0, to visit jesus or something like that, see if he really do all the miracle writtens in the new testament.


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